Ongoing projects:

ATHENA - New smart and adaptive robotics solutions for personalized minimally invasive surgery in cancer treatment. Project funded through Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Financed by European Union – NextGenerationUE, UTCN responsable: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

ASKLEPIOS - New frontiers in adaptive modular robotics for patient - centered medical rehabilitation. Project funded through Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Financed by European Union – NextGenerationUE, UTCN responsable: Prof. Dr. Ing. Calin VAIDA (see more).

Finalised projects:

Enhance - Innovative safe robotic system for enhanced patient-centered treatment of liver cancers. National Experimental Demonstration Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2021-2790, Contract no: 694PED from 24/06/2022, Project duration: 2022-2024. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina Pisla (see more).

Hope2Walk - An innovative modular rehabilitation robot for the efficient therapy of lower limb motor deficit. National Experimental Demonstration Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2021-3430, Contract no: 608PED from 24/06/2022, Project duration: 2022-2024. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Calin Vaida (see more).

Wisdom of Age - A Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge Transfer towards Industrial Companies. Project funded by AAL Programme, co-funded by the European Commission and National Funding Authorities of Romania, Switzerland and Belgium, Project code: aal-2020-7-83-CP. UTCN responsable: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

APOLLO - Intelligent tele-robotic systems for the personalised treatment of neuromotor deficit to increase the patients quality of life. Project funded through Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, with the support of the European Union, under the Call Innovative Technological Proiects - 2022, no. 34007/13.01.2023, UTCN responsable: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA.

Challenge - New frontiers in robotic assisted single port surgery: a novel robotic system with dexterous instruments. National Exploratory Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0572-PCE-171, Contract no: PCE 171 from 17/02/2021, Project duration: 2021-2023. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

NeuroAssist - An innovative modular robotic system for the rehabilitation of brachial monoparesis. National Experimental Demonstration Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2019-3022, Contract no: 546PED from 02/11/2020, Project duration: 2020-2022. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina Pisla (see more).

OnTarget - Innovative robotic guided instruments for the treatment of malignant tumors. National Experimental Demonstration Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED2019-4375, Contract no: 397PED from 02/11/2020, Project duration: 2020-2022. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Calin VAIDA (see more).

SAFE - Robotic Assisted Protection Cabin for Collecting Biological Samples with Airported Pathogens. National Technological Transfer Project, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-0160, Contract no: 65 PTE/2020 from 01/09/2020, Project duration: 2020-2022. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

IMPROVE - High accuracy innovative approach for the robotic assisted intraoperatory treatment of hepatic tumors based on imagistic-molecular diagnosis. National Complex Project for Research, Development and Innovation, financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Project code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI2017-0221, Contract no: 59/1 March 2018 , Project duration: 2018-2020. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

AgeWell - Innovative Approaches Regarding Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics for Healthy Ageing. Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation (Rd&I) to Support Economic Competitiveness and Business Development. Co-financed through the European Fund for Regional Development Project code: ID P_37_215 MySMIS 2014 Code: 103415. Implementation period: September 2016-August 2020. Project coordinated by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (CESTER). Project manager: Prof. Dr. Ing. Carbone GIUSEPPE (see more).

Heal4Liv - Innovative robotic system for cancer treatment. Financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT-Health) through InnoStars. Implementation period: April 2020-December 2020. Project coordinated by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (CESTER). Project manager: Conf. Dr. Ing. Bogdan Gherman (see more).

InnoHealth - An innovative robotic system for upper limb rehabilitation. Financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT-Health) through InnoStars. Implementation period: August 2019-December 2019. Project coordinated by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (CESTER). Project manager: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

ROBOCORE - Robotic assisted prostate biopsy, a high precision innovative method. National project PCCA TIP 2, financed by Executive Unit for High Education Financing, Research, Development and Innovations (UEFISCDI) Project code : PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0647, Contract number: 247/2014, Project duration: 2014-2016. Project manager: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

CHANCE - Robotic assisted brachytherapy, an innovative approach of inoperable cancers. National project PCCA TIP 2, financed by Executive Unit for High Education Financing, Research, Development and Innovations (UEFISCDI) Project code : PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0414, Contract number: 173/2012, Project duration: 2012-2015. Project manager: Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA (see more).

ACCURATE - A multi-purpose Needle Insertion device for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. National project PCCA TIP 2, financed by Executive Unit for High Education Financing, Research, Development and Innovations (UEFISCDI) Project code : PN-II-RU-TE- 2014-4-0992, Contract number: 59 /2015, Project duration: 2015-2017. Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Calin Vaida (see more).

SPINE - Diagnosis and therapy system for spine disorders. National project PCCA TIP 2, financed by Executive Unit for High Education Financing, Research, Development and Innovations (UEFISCDI) Project code : PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1596, Contract number: 227/2014, Project duration: 2015-2017. Project coordinated by the "Transilvania" University of Brasov, Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Butnariu Silviu (see more).

Other relevant projects:

CARE-ROBOTICS - Creative Alliance in Robotics Research and Education Focused on Medical and Service Robotics, Duration: 2011-2014, Financed by: Swiss National Science Foundation, Director Romania: Prof. Univ. Dr.-Ing. Doina PISLA

Instructor Operation Station (IOS). Duration: 2014-2015, Project Nr.: 95/2014, Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adrian PISLA

Bilateral research project Romania-Austria: Developing methods to evaluate the accuracy of potential parallel robots for medical applications, Project no 745/2014 (2014-2015), Director Romania: Prof. Doina Pisla,Director Austria: Prof. Manfred Husty

HEPSIM - Innovative development of an innovative virtual system for e-learning in hepatic surgery. Duration: 2008-2011, Financed by: National Authority for Scientific Research, Director: Doina Pisla

PARMIS - Multidisciplinary development of surgical robots based on parallel structures. Duration: 2007-2010, Financed by: National Authority for Scientific Research, Director: Doina Pisla

PARASURG - Promotion of researches and participation in European programmes in the field of parallel robots for surgery. Duration: 2006-2008, Financed by: National Authority for Scientific Research, Director: Doina Pisla

ASKOT - Structural, geometrical, kinematic and dynamic researches for the development of a flight simulator adapted to special requirements. Duration: 2006-2008, Financed by: National Authority for Scientific Research, Director: Adrian Pisla

Structural, geometrical, kinematic and dynamic researches of new structures of parallel robots using elastic hinges. Duration: 2006-2008, Financed by: National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Director: Nicolae Plitea

Mathematical modeling and experimental researches for the development of a modular parallel robot for minimally invasive surgery. Duration: 2006-2011, Financed by: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Director Nicolae Plitea

Analysis and development of microrobots with parallel kinematics and implementation of testing algorithms for the evaluation of their performances. Duration: 2005-2007, Financed by: National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Director: Doina Pisla

Analysis and development of microrobots with parallel kinematics and implementation of testing algorithms for the evaluation of their performances, Duration: 2005-2007, Financed by: National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Director: Doina Pisla

The setup of a laboratory for microrobots and micro grippers using advanced materials within the Center for Industrial Robots Simulation and Testing. Duration: 2004-2005, Financed by: DAAD, Director: Doina Pisla

The upgrade of grinding and sharping machine-tools of industrial partners by implementation of CNC systems. Duration: 2003-2005, The Agency of Scientific Research, Innovation, Technological Transfer, Director: Adrian Pisla

Development of a performant dynamic simulation system for parallel structures. Duration: 2003-2004, Financed by: National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Director: Doina Pisla

The setup of the Center for Industrial Robots Simulation and Testing. Duration: 2000-2001, Financed by: DAAD, Director: Doina Pisla

Design of new models of parallel robots based on their kinematic and dynamic study. Duration: 2001-2002, Financed by: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Director: Doina Pisla

Development of new applicative models regarding the construction and simulation of parallel robots. Duration: 2001-2002, Financed by: National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, Director: Doina Pisla