The Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) co-financed the development of CESTER and were partners in several projects related to novel parallel robots, such as reconfigurable robots and micro robots. |
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca (UMFCLUJ) is a consecrated partner of CESTER. Together, they were involved in several projects that aimed to create robotic solutions for minimally invasive surgery, cancer treatment and diagnosis, rehabilitation. At the moment CESTER and UMFCLUJ are partners in the IMPROVE project which aims to develop a robotic system for the treatment of inoperable hepatic cancers. |
Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cluj-Napoca (IRGH) is a partner of CESTER with strong competences in medical imaging, hepatology, minimally invasive surgery. At the moment CESTER and IRGH are partners in the IMPROVE project which aims to develop a robotic system for the treatment of inoperable hepatic cancers. |
National research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics (INOE 2000) is a partner of CESTER with strong competences in analytic instrumentations, measuring, sensors and other engineering fields that are connected to medical or industrial applications. CESTER and INOE were partners in several projects and at the moment are partners in the IMPROVE project. |
Municipal Clinic Hospital of Cluj-Napoca (Clujana) is a partner of CESTER and helped developing and testing robotic solutions for urology and rehabilitation. At the moment CESTER and Clujana are partners in the AgeWell project which aims to develop robotic solutions for rehabilitation. Clujana offered the ground to clinically test the first prototypes for upper limb rehabilitation, developed in CESTER. |
Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy (IMSAR) is a partner of CESTER with strong competences in applied mathematics, engineering and physics. Currently, IMSAR are working together with CESTER on developing an intelligent robot control system for the IMPROVE project. |
Ada Computers, the Siemens PLM representative in Romania is in direct collaboration with CESTER, which became “Authorized Training Center Siemens-PLM” since 2007.
Eli Automation is a B&R automation equipment and services provider which helps CESTER with various automation related solutions for hardware and software. B&R equipment is integrated in several robotic systems developed by CESTER. |