Scientific achievements
Submission of national/international research projects
   International Project within the competition PNRR/2022/C9/MCID/I8./Development of a program to attract highly specialized human resources from abroad in research, development and innovation activities, with the title "New smart and adaptive robotics solutions for personalized minimally invasive surgery in cancer treatment - ATHENA", CF 116/15.11.2022, financing contract no. 760072/23.05.2023 coordinated by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
   National project, financing contract for the execution of the research and development project "Exoskeleton type system for human augmentation" from the 2022-2025 MApN Sectoral Research and Development Plan, contract 1-PSCD/2022, coordinated by the Technical University from Cluj-Napoca.
On 04.06.2024, the workshop entitled "Robotic systems for the treatment of cancer liver" washeld in Cluj-Napoca, being organized by Mrs. Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina PISLA and Mr. Prof. Med. Nadim
Al Hajjar, where the latest achievements in the field of cancer treatment were presented, as well as
the achievements of the Enhance project.

