- MESROB 2016 - 5th International
Workshop on Medical and Service Robots, Graz, Austria, 4-6 July
2016; Participants: Doina Pisla, Calin Vaida. (Dovada)
- 4th International Conference on
Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 25-30 July 2016; Participants: Doina Pisla
- 6th European
Conference on Mechanism Science, Nantes, France, 20-23 September
2016; Participants: Doina Pisla, Bogdan Gherman (Dovada)
- Advances in Robot Kinematics, ARK 2016 , Grasse, Franţa., 27-30 Iunie 2016; Participanti: Doina Pisla (Dovada)
- TThe
Joint International Conference of the XII International Conference
on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the XXIII International
Conference on Robotics (Robotics’16), Aachen, Germania, 26-27
octombrie 2016; Participanti: Silviu Butnariu (Dovada)
- T18TH
ACM Virtual Reality International Conference, Laval, Franta,
25-27 martie 2016; Participanti: Silviu Butnariu. (Dovada)
- The 14th International
Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Phuket,
Thailanda, 13-15 noiembrie 2016; Participanti: Silviu Butnariu,
Antonya Csaba (Dovada)
- Conferinţa Institutului Regional de Oncologie Iaşi, Iasi, Romania, 24-27 Noiembrie 2016; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- The 3rd National Congress of the Federation of Romanian Cancer Societies, Bucuresti, Romania, 3-5 Noiembrie 2016; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- I17th edition of Medicalis – International Congress for Medical Students and Young Health Professionals, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 12-15 Mai 2016; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- International Oncology Meeting and Nuresering Congress, Gelsenkirchen, Germania, 10-11 Iunie 2016; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- The 6th International Course and Workshop on Laparoscopic Urology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 Septembrie 2016; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME, Craiova, Romania, 8-9 Octombrie 2016; Participanti: Doina Pisla, Tucan Paul (Dovada)
- Congresul National Roman de Urologie, Bucuresti, Romania, 8-11 Iunie 20156; Participanti: Nicolae Crisan (Dovada)
- MESROB 2016 - 5th International
Workshop on Medical and Service Robots, Graz, Austria, 4-6 Iulie
2016; Participanti:Nicola Crisan. (Dovada)
- Central European Meeting,
Viena, Austria, 7-9 octombrie 2016; Participanti: Nicola Crisan (Dovada)
- International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ICOME, Craiova, Romania, 8-9 Octombrie 2015; Participanti: Doina Pisla, Tucan Paul (Dovada)
- 13th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, Noordwijk, Olanda, 11-13 Mai 2015; Participant: Calin Vaida (Dovada)
- Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD), Bucuresti, Romania, 27-27 Mai; Participanti: Doina Pisla, Bogdan German (Dovada)
- 4th International Workshop on Medical and Service Robots, MESROB 2015, Nantes, Franta, 8-10 Iulie 2015; Participanti: Doina Pisla, Calin Vaida (Dovada)
- 2015 IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 Octombrie 2015; Participanti: Doina Pisla, Calin Vaida (Dovada)
- 6th edition of The International Conference PROGRESS IN URO-ONCOLOGY, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-25 septembrie 2015; Participanti: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- Al 25-lea Congres anual al Societatii Romane de Radioterapie si Oncologie Medicala, Sibiu, Romania, 15-17 octombrie 2015; Participant: Gabriel Kacso
- Conferintele Institutului Regional de Oncologie, Iasi, Romania, 26-29 noiembrie 2015; Participant: Gabriel Kacso (Dovada)
- 12th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology, Munchen, Germania, 18 ianuarie 2015; Participant: Nicu Crisan (Dovada)
- Challenges in laparoscopy and robotics, Istanbul Turcia, 4-6 iunie 2015; Participant: Nicu Crisan
- Progress in Uro-Oncology 6th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-25 septembrie 2015; Participant: Nicu Crisan (Dovada)
- The 4th international congress in robotic surgery, Bucuresti, Romania, 29-31 octombrie 2015; Participanti: Nicu Crisan
- 10th Edition of International Conference on Cyber Systems OPTIROB 2015, Jupiter, Romania, 27-30 iunie 2015; Participanti: Butnariu Silviu Girbacia Florin )
- International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2015, Timişoara, România, 24-25 octombrie 2015; Participanti: Butila Eugen
- The 14th International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science World Congress 2015 IFToMM, Taipei, Taiwan, octombrie 25-30 2015; Participanti: Antonya Csaba (Dovada)
- Students' Association of Robotic Urologic Surgery (SARUS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-26 Septembrie 2014; Participant: Gabriel KACSO (Dovada)
- Advances in Robot Kinematics, 14th International Symposium, Liubliana, Slovenia, 29 iunie-3 iulie 2014; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Calin VAIDA (Dovada)
- 2014 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE), Buffalo, New-York, USA, 17-20 august 2014; Participant: Doina PISLA (Dovada)
- 5th edition of the International Conference Progress in Uro-Oncology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-26 septembrie 2014; Participant: Gabriel KACSO (Dovada)
- Conferinta mondiala BrachyNext-Working together to Shape the future of Brachytherapy, Miami, USA, 30-31 mai 2014; Participant: Gabriel KACSO (Dovada)
- International Oncology Meeting RUHR TALKS 2014, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 16-17 mai 2014; Participant: Gabriel KACSO (Dovada)
- 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 mai 2014; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Florin COVACIU, Doina PISLA, Calin VAIDA (Dovada)
- MEDICAL AND SERVICE ROBOTICS MESROB 2014, Lausanne, Elvetia, 10-12 iulie 2014; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Dragos COCOREAN, Doru TALABA (Dovada)
- The VIth International Conference on Robotics, Bucuresti, Romania, 23-24 octombrie 2014; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Bogdan GHERMAN, Silviu BUTNARIU (Dovada)
- 5th European Conference on Mechanism Science, Guimaraes, Portugal, 16-20 septembrie 2014; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Bogdan GHERMAN (Dovada)
- International Conference on Production Research - Africa, Europe and Middle East, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1-5 iulie 2014; Participanti: Bogdan GALDAU, Doina PISLA, Gabriel KACSO, Dragos COCOREAN, Calin VAIDA, Bogdan GHERMAN, Nicolae PLITEA (Dovada)
- 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems - CIS 2013, Manila, Philippines, 12-15 Noiembrie 2013; Participanti: Csaba ANTONYA; (Dovada)
- The 11th IFToMM International Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines - SYROM'2013, Brasov, Romania, 11-12 Noiembrie 2013; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Bogdan GHERMAN, Dragos COCOREAN; (Dovada)
- 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Materials and Mechatronics - IMM 2013, Hong Kong, China, 1-2 Noiembrie 2013; Participanti: Silviu BUTNARIU, Florin GIRBACIA; (Dovada)
- The 2nd International Exploratory Workshop on New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics - MESROB 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, 11-13 Iulie 2013; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Calin VAIDA; (Dovada)
- The 8th International Conference "Optimization of the Intelligent Systems and Their Applications" - OPTIROB 2013, Mamaia, Romania, 20-23 Iunie 2013; (Dovada)
- The 6th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics - CK 2013, Barcelona, Spania, 12-15 Mai 2013; Participanti: Doina PISLA; (Dovada)
- 10th meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU), Roma, Italia, 18-20 Ianuarie 2013;
- Conferintele Institutului Regional de Oncologie Iasi - CONFER 2012, Romania, 22-24 Noiembrie 2012; Participanti: Gabriel KACSO; (Dovada)
- Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management - QIEM 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 Noiembrie 2012; Participanti: Bogdan GHERMAN; (Dovada)
- 4th European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers - EMUC 2012, Barcelona, Spania, 16-18 Noiembrie 2012; Participanti: Gabriel KACSO; (Dovada)
- The Second IFToMM ASIAN Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tokyo, Japonia, 7-10 Noiembrie 2012; Participanti: Doina PISLA, Calin VAIDA; (Dovada)
- Congresul National de Oncologie Medicala si Radioterapie, Sinaia, Romania, 18-20 Octombrie 2012; Participanti: Gabriel KACSO; (Dovada)
- 4-th European Conference on Mechanism Science - EUCOMES 2012, Santander, Spania, 18-21 Septembrie 2012; Participanti: Doina PISLA;
- 2012 UICC World Cancer Congress, Montreal, Canada, 27-30 August 2012; Participanti: Gabriel KACSO; (Dovada)