Answering the challenges of the addressed call, “I8. Development of a program to attract highly specialised human resources from abroad in research, development and innovation activities”, ASKLEPIOS defines its specific objectives:

(O1) – Development of innovative, lightweight, adjustable, modular robotic architectures for the rehabilitation of the upper and lower limb; 

Outcomes: robotic structures capable of performing complex ADL motions, individual mobilization of each joint and different postures; On the fly adaptability to the patient anthropometric data and neurologic disease; Support for mirror therapy;

(O2) – Development of an advanced, adaptive control system for the rehabilitation robots; 

Outcomes: adaptive control algorithms, decision making tools, human-robot interaction modalities;

(O3) – Development of new AI agents and intelligent algorithms for big data processing to define personalized, highly efficient treatment plans for patients with neuromotor deficit; 

Outcomes: Anonymized database with formatted data based on medical protocols; AI agents and intelligent algorithms for data processing; Intelligent tools for the definition of personalized treatment schemes;

(O4) – Development of a modular system of sensors, medical tools, interfaces and software algorithms for multi-modal robotic assisted treatments; 

Outcomes: a modular system of sensors, devices and software algorithms to support different stimulation solutions, real-time measurements, interactive programs, session and long-term progress monitoring tools, for personalized treatments;

(O5) – Setup of a pole of competence in intelligent/cognitive robotic devices for the rehabilitation of patient with neuro-motor deficit and specific requirements for personalized medicine, for the further development of relevant research in the framework of the European development strategies; 

Outcomes: a highly competitive environment for innovation in cognitive rehabilitation robotics; an educational programme for young scientists in the context of blended education; co-supervised PhD and post-doctoral programmes; 

(O6) – Research results dissemination, increase of research team visibility and attraction of new fundings at National and European level.

Outcomes: Relevant number of publications in well-known international journals with impact factor, renowned conferences and congresses, and new research grants.


PNRR. Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană – UrmătoareaGenerațieUE

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