
Anunţul oficial de lansare al proiectului AgeWell

Anunţul oficial de începere a proiectului AgeWell a fost difuzat în presa locală şi regională.


Anunţuri de angajare

Centrul de cercetare CESTER anunţă scoaterea la concurs a unui număr de posturi pentru activităţi de cercetare în domeniul proiectului AgeWell, conform listei de mai jos. Cei interesaţi sunt rugaţi să transmită o aplicaţie pe adresa de e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. care să cuprindă o scrisoare de intenţie şi un Curriculum Vitae în format Europass care să vină în sprijinul profilului specific fiecărui post, conform listei de mai jos. Întrucât cunoaşterea limbii engleze este obligatorie anunţurile sunt postate doar în această limbă. 


Researcher in rehabilitation robotics and devices (1 position)


Candidate profile


Candidate has a specialization in kinesiotherapy.

Candidate is a PhD student, in early development stage of the thesis with a topic in rehabilitation.

Candidate should be highly motivated to work in an interdisciplinary group.

Candidate should have knowledge about handling stroke patients within all stages of the disease.

Candidate should have extended English knowledge.

Candidate should have good practical skills.

Candidate should have good communication skills.


The main task of the job is to ensure medical expertise in kinesiotherapy corresponding with the above objectives.


Technician in rehabilitation robotics and devices (2 positions)


Candidate profile


Candidate is a student in the third or fourth year of study, preferably following a specialization in Robotics or high school graduate.

Candidate should have knowledge in CAD design.

Candidate should be highly motivated to work in an interdisciplinary group.

Candidate should have extended English knowledge.

Candidate should have good practical skills.

Candidate should have good communication skills.


The main task of the job is to contribute with basic activities to the design of the AgeWell robotic system components  corresponding with the above objectives.


Researcher in rehabilitation robotics and devices (3 positions) – PhD Student


Candidate profile


Candidate has graduated the first two University educational cycles; bachelor and master.

Candidate should be interested in the enrolment in a PhD programme in rehabilitation robotics.

Candidate should have average knowledge in mechanical design and robotics or electrical engineering or automation.

Candidate should have extensive knowledge in CAD design and simulation.

Candidate should be highly motivated to work in an interdisciplinary group.

Candidate should have extended English knowledge.

Candidate should have good practical skills.

Candidate should have good communication skills.


The main task of the job is to contribute to the development of the AgeWell robotic rehabilitation devices and integrate these results in scientific papers, report leading to the defence of the PhD thesis in this field.


Researcher in rehabilitation robotics and devices (1 position) – Post-Doc Student


Candidate profile


Candidate has graduated all three University educational cycles: bachelor, master and PhD.

Candidate should be interested in the enrolment in a Post-Doc programme in rehabilitation robotics.

Candidate should have extensive knowledge and PhD in either mechanical design and robotics or electrical engineering or automation.

Candidate should have extensive knowledge in CAD design and simulation.

Candidate should have a solid background in mathematical modelling and numerical simulation.

Candidate should be highly motivated to work in an interdisciplinary group.

Candidate should have extended English knowledge.

Candidate should have good practical skills.

Candidate should have good communication skills.


The main task of the job is to contribute to the development of the AgeWell robotic rehabilitation devices and integrate these results in scientific papers and reports.

Accesări: 2310