


1. The members of the implementation team participated in the international workshop organized by the EuRobotics European Forum in Edinburgh, UK, entitled "European Robotics Forum - ERF 2017", which took place March 22 - 24, 2017, where Prof. Adrian PISLA has held a presentation titled "Safety Issues Regarding Human Robot Interaction in Robotic Assisted Rehabilitation".

2. On May 22, 2017, within the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the AgeWell implementation team participated in the workshop "Current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive BCIs" as co-organizers. During this event Mr. Calin VAIDA gave a presentation entitled "Innovative Approaches Regarding Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics for Healthy Aging".

3. On September 28, 2017, the AgeWell team organized the "New Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics" international workshop at Golden Tulip Hotel in Cluj-Napoca where more than 70 specialists (engineers, doctors, kinetotherapists, company representatives) shared ideas about the latest achievements in medical rehabilitation.

4. On May 10, 2018, the AgeWell team organized the Seminar "Applications of cable-powered robots in post-stroke medical recovery" at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 103-105, Emerson Hall. During the seminar, dissemination of the results obtained within the project have been presented, top robotic assisted treatment solutions have been presented in the field of post-stroke medical recovery, with particular emphasis on parallel robotic architectures powered by cables.

5. On July 5, 2018, the AgeWell team organized the international workshop "New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics" at the School of Engineering belonging to the University of Cassino and South Latium in Cassino, Italy. The workshop presented and analyzed achievements in the project and presented scientific papers that propose and analyze different robotic architectures designed for the medical recovery of upper and lower limbs, as well as different methods of controlling them.

6. Prof. Doina Pisla held the presentation on NEW TRENDS AND INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN MEDICAL ROBOTICS "at the" Healthcare innovation "workshop organized on March 21 at Proinvent

7. On the 21st of March 2019, the „Parallel Robots for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation” international seminar was held, in which the experimental model of the first robot designed within the project was presented, namely the ParReEx robotic system, which is composed of two parallel robots: one of the models is utilized for the Post-Stroke rehabilitation of wrist movement and the second one, for the Post-Stroke rehabilitation of elbow movement.

8. On the 30’th of june 2019 Mr. Giuseppe Carbone and Ms. Doina Pisla participated to the 15th World Congres IFToMM2019, held in Kracow, Poland,  between the 30’th of June and the 4’th of July 2019. During the Congress a Tutorial has been presented by the above mentioned, entitled: Solutions on assistive robotics at CESTER-LARM”. At the presentation over 25 people were present. 

9. On 20-09-2019 the International Workshop entitled: Safety issues in the development of robotic systems for post-stroke rehabilitation was held. The workshop was held at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and 25 people with background in the development of medical robotic systems participated. 

10. On 05.03.2020 the workshop entitled “Advanced control systems of medical rehabilitation robots “was held. Within the workshop Mr. ing. Alin Oltean , from Eli Industrial Automation SRL,  B&R systems expert (equipment previously purchased in the AgeWell project) provided a series of demonstrations of the command solution developed within the project.

11. In the period 20-22. 07. 2020 The AgeWell team organized a seminar entitled: On the Validation of RAISE, a lower language rehabilitation system, at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Bvd. Muncii ne 103-105, sala C309. During the seminar, the validation of the robotic system for the recovery of the lower limb RAISE was presented along with a demonstration of it using the experimental model.

12. On 23.07.2020, the International Workshop entitled Innovative Approaches Regarding Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics for Healthy Aging - AgeWell took place. The Workshop was attended by over 30 people from different national and international academic backgrounds. The results obtained during the AgeWell project were presented at the Worksop. The worksop was led by Giuseppe Carbone and Prof. Dr. Eng. Pisla Doina.


Applications for funding for H2020 projects

1. ”Integrative Research on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Computing And Communication Intelligence Towards the Realization Of Cyber-Driven Smart Systems”, Acronym: IRISS, proposal ID: 763675 (internal reference number: SEP-210404795), Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-04-2017-TeamingPhase1, Action: CSA – Coordinating and Support Actions, Domain: WIDESPREAD-04-2017, Date of application: 2016-11-15 16:08:45, Involved members: Doina Pisla, Calin Vaida, Bogdan Gherman.

2. ”I4-Factories-Implementation of Smart Predictive Maintenance for European Resilient factories”, Acronym - I4-Factories, proposal ID: 768721, Financing : IA (Innovation action), Topic: FOF-09-2017, Call: H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 (Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy), Rol UTCN – Partener, Coordonator TUCN: Prof. Daniela Popescu, Project coordinator:  FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., Project manager: Carmen CONSTANTINESCU, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

3. „Competence Centres of Advanced Robotics and ICT for Manufacturing SMEs”, Acronym – CARIM, Proposal ID: 768627, Financing: IA (Innovation action), Topic: FOF-12-2017, Call: H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 (Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy), TUCN Role – Partner, Coordinator TUCN:  Daniela Popescu, Project Coordinator: CENTRIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY, ProjectManager: Jorma HINTIKKA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

4. “SMart InheRently safe  mechatroNic systEms  for Human-Robot Collaboration”, Acronym SMIRNE, Propsal ID: SEP-210500473 Financing RIA (Research and Innovation Action), Topic: DT-FOF-02-2018, Call: H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020  (TRANSFORMING EUROPEAN INDUSTRY), TUCN role – Partner, TUCN Coordinator Prof. Doina Pisla, Project Coordinator: Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Project Manager: Prof. Giuseppe CARBONE

5. “Integrative Research on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Computing and Communication Intelligence towards the realization of Cyber-driven Smart Systems”, Acronym MOEL-SOEL, proposal ID: 01DS17039, Project type: Network of Excellence, Federal Ministry for Education and Research, Germany, TUCN Role – Partner, TUCN Coordinator: Prof. Daniela Popescu, Project coordinator: FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., Project manager: Carmen CONSTANTINESCU

6. MODELLING AND TESTING TOOLS FOR VIRTUAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIFIED VEHICLES AND COMPONENTS”, Acronym INSTRUCT, Proposal ID: 814272. Project type: Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, Topic: Innovative Training Networks, Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, Project coordinator: TUCN, Project manager: Claudia Marțis

7. Whole Body-Consciousness Exoskeleton: a Neuro-Technological Approach to Enhance Humans’ Performance, Acronym BODICE, Proposal ID: 899173, Call: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020  (FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies), Partner: TUCN, TUCN coordinator: Prof.dr. ing. Adrian Pisla, Budget: 2.994.423 EURO

8. Bringing history and traditions to life in the digital world, acronym: BRIGHT2020, Competition H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020, coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Manager : Prof. dr.-ing. Daniela Popescu, budget: 162.250 EURO

9. Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport - SMART2, Calll: H2020-S2RJU-OC-2019, ID: 881784, coordinator: Universität Bremen - Institut für Automatisierungstechnik (IAT), Germany, TUCN role : member, responsible TUCN: Prof. dr.-ing. Dan Mândru, budget 1.708.737,50 EURO (budget UTCN: 126.875 euro)

10. Development of an innovative, AI-driven resectoscope for Trans Urethral Resection of the Bladder, Acronym: TURSe, Call: H2020 - FETOpen Research and Innovation Action , Submission code: 964666, Coordinator: National Research Council, UTCN Role: Partner, UTCN Manager: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget: EUR 3,881,000 (Project) / 780,000 UTCN.


Applications for funding other than H2020

1. ”Modular Active Assisted Routine Rehabilitation", Acronym - HOPE, Proposal Id: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-2150 Call for Proposals: Program 1 - Development of the National Research and Development System, Subprogram 1.1 - Human Resources, Research Projects for Stimulation of Young Independent Teams - TE 2016, Submission Date: 09.01.2017, People involved: Bogdan Gherman (Project Director) , Zoltan Maior, Kinga Maior

2. ”High accuracy innovative approach for the robotic assisted intraoperatory treatment of hepatic tumours based on imagistic-molecular diagnosis– molecular!, Code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI- 2017-0221,Coordinator: TUCN, prof. Doina Pisla, Partners: University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Iuliu Hatieganu” from Cluj-Napoca , Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy; Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cluj-Napoca; National research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics – INOE 2000.

3. Complex multidisciplinary research to optimize oncological and functional results in pelvic oncological surgery by integrating imaging techniques to perform intraoperative performance, Code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI- 2017-0499  Coordinating institute: University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Iuliu Hatieganu” from Cluj-Napoca  Partners: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca; Babes Bolyai University;  National research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics – INOE 2000.; University ”Transylvania” of Brasov; University of Medicine and Pharmacy "GR. TH. POPA"  TUCN coordinator : Prof. Doina Pisla

4. "Information-centric Sensor Data Analytics for the Industry of the Future", Acronym MAINSENSE, Project ID: 69849, Type: ERA-NET, Topic: Big data and process modelling for smart industry (BDSI), Call: ERA-NET CHIST-ERA, Project coordinator: TUCN, Project manager: Daniela Popescu

5. Multidisciplinary Research Network on Rigidity, Flexibility and Applications, Project COST, Call OC-2018-2, Proposal ID: OC-2018-2-23183, Acronym: MRN-RiFl, TUCN Role: Member, TUCN coordinator: Prof. dr. ing. Doina PISLA

6. “An innovative robotic system for upper limb rehabilitation”, Call: EIT Health InnoStars RIS, Acronym: InnoHealth,  Coordinator: Technical University from Cluj-Napoca, Partners: P1 – Department of Neurology of Municipal Hospital Cluj-Naspoca (Dr. Med. Zoltan Major), P2 – Asociaţia INIT & Freshblood HealthTech Cluj-Napoca (Med. Ion Petrovai), Manager: Prof. dr. ing. Doina PISLA.

7. Safety assurance of autonomous upper limb rehabilitation robotic systems-SPRING, Call Assuring Autonomy International Programme Proposal ID 19/03, Acronym: SPRING, Coordinator: TUCN, Manager: Prof. dr. ing. Doina PISLA.  

8. Innovative modular robotic system for the medical recovery of the brachial-NeuroAsist monopara, Call: EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATIVE PROJECT (PED 2019), Project submission code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3022, Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, Manager: Doina Pislă , Budget: 600.000 LEI.

9. Robotically guided innovative tools for the treatment of malignancies, Acronym:OnTarget, Call: EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATIVE PROJECT (PED 2019), Project submission code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4375, Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Manager :Conf. dr. ing. Vaida Calin, Budget: 600.000 LEI.

10. Robotic system for medical recovery of hand movements, Acronym: TOUCH, Call: Research projects to stimulate young independent teams (TE2019), Project submission code: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE2019-1627, Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Manager: Conf. dr. ing.Gherman Bogdan , Budget: 450.000 LEI

11. Development of a robotic system with multiple control options for real-time intraoperative ultrasound assistance in minimally invasive oncologic surgery, Acronym: E-Detect , Call: EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Coordinator: TUCN, Manager: Doina Pislă, Estimated budget :1 250 000 Euro (36 months). 

12. Improved Elderly Care through Innovative Rehabilitation Robotics, Acronym: Hope2Walk, Call: EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2020, Coordinator: TUCN, Manager: Conf. dr. ing. Vaida Calin, Budget: 75 000 Euro (12 months).

13. Innovative robotic system for cancer treatment, Acronym: HEAL4LIV,  Call: EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2020, Coordinator: TUCN, Manager: Conf. dr. ing. Gherman Bogdan, Budget: 75 000 Euro (12 months).

14. ROBOLab, Calll: ENI CBC Mediterranean call 2019 (Technology transfer), Coordinator: University of  Calabria, Director: Prof. dr.-ing. Giuseppe Carbone, Budget: 2.000.000 Euro (3 years)

15. Robots for inspection of cultural heritage sites, National call FISRS, Coordinator: University of Calabria, Director: Prof. dr.-ing. Giuseppe Carbone, Budget: 1.900.000 Euro (2 years)

16. Rehabilitation device, Regional call Ingegno, director: Prof. dr.-ing. Giuseppe Carbone, Budget: 800.000 euro (2 years)

17. Smart hospital bed, acronym HOPE, competition: PN-III-CERC-CO-PED-2-2019, PED 2019, coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Director: Prof. dr.-ing Mihai Dragomir. member : Prof. dr.-ing. Daniela Popescu, budget: 600.000 lei (equivalent 123.966 EURO)

18. Study and roadmap for deep decarbonization in resource-intensive industries in Romania, acronym: DESTINY, Call: Research projects to stimulate young independent teams - TE 2019, code: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-160, director: Prof. dr.-ing. Mihai Dragomir, budget 449.458 lei, prof. dr.-ing Daniela Popescu (member)

19. Relive History on an Epic Scale from the Dacian Kingdom to the Modern State - Better Accessibility of Cultural Heritage to Strengthen European Values in Romania, acronym ACHIEVE, Call: EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Coordinator: Technical University of  Cluj-Napoca, director: Prof. dr.-ing. Călin Neamţu, Budget:1.119.899 Euro (36 months), Prof. dr.-ing. Daniela Popescu (member)

20. Designing Industry 4.0 IoT architectures for achieving Virtual Quality Management integration in the “Factories of the Future”, acronym: vQM-IoT, competition:POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH PROJECTS, cod PN-III-DCD-RU-PD-2019-2, competition PD2019, coordinator Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, director: S.l. dr.-ing. Stefan Bodi, budget: 50.000 EURO,Prof. dr.-ing. Daniela Popescu(member);

21. Intelligent robotic system for optimizing the treatment of recovery of the upper limbs by visual and auditory stimulation, competitive: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH PROJECTS, cod PN-III-DCD-RU-PD-2019-2, competition PD2019, coordinator Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, director S.l. dr.-ing. Florin Covaciu, budget: 50.000 EURO, mentor Conf. dr.-ing. Vaida Călin

22. PROTECTION CABIN FOR COLLECTING BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES WITH AIR PORTED PATHOGENS, CPRS, Calll: Call for preselection of the portfolio of integrated projects in the fields of intelligent specialization (TYPE B projects),Code: 14.05.2020, coordinator: ELECTRONIC APRIL – Aparatură Electronică Specială S.R.L. Cluj-Napoca, director TUCN: Prof. dr.-ing. Doina Pîslă, budget: 1.3000.000 EURO (UTCN: 300.000 EURO)

23. Shape Memory Alloy Actuators, Calll: Subprogram 1.1 – Human Resources - Young Researcher Scholarship - competition 2016, PN-III-P1-1.1-BT-2016-0008, coordinator Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca, director Cosovanu Daniel, 36 months, budget 18.300 Euro (91.489 lei), mentor: Prof. dr.-ing. Dan Mândru

24. Leading Scientist, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, No. 0625-2020-0017, Director: Prof. dr.-ing. Giuseppe Carbone, budget (2020): 176.000 euro (5 years).

25. New frontiers in robotic assisted single port surgery: a novel robotic system with dexterous instruments / New frontiers in robotic assisted uniport surgery: an innovative robotic system with instruments with increased dexterity , Acronym: CHALANGE, Call: Exploratory Research Projects-2020 Call, Submission Code: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0572, Director: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget 1,200,000 RON.

26. A modular, versatile and multi-purpose robotic system for upper limb rehabilitation, Acronym: RESOLVE, Call: BP21 (Business Plan 2021), Coordinator: RobotVision SRL, Role UTCN: Partner, Responsible UTCN: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget: EUR 2,253,849.00 (Project) / EUR 150,000 (UTCN).

27. Limb Exercising and Monitoring Device for Home Assistance in Rehabilitation, Acronym: ADIUTOR, Apel: EU / AAL program, Submission code: aal-2020-7-200-CP, Coordonator: University of Calabria, Italia, Rol UTCN: Partener, UTCN Manager: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget: EUR 1,941,631 (Project) / EUR 380,750 (UTCN).

28. A senior digital platform for knowledge transfer towards industrial companies, Acronym: WisdomOfAge, Call: EU / AAL program, Submission code: aal-2020-7-83-CP, Coordinator: Digital Twin SRL, UTCN role: Partner, UTCN Manager: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget: 2,588,900 EUR (Project) / 374,750 EUR (UTCN).


Research projects approved for funding during the reporting period

1. Project title: "Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in manufacturing industry", Code: DTP1-1-071-1.1, Duration: 30 months (01.01.2017-30.06.2019), Project Coordinator: Pomurje Technology Park, Slovenia, Roll - UTCN: partner, project manager UTCN - Daniela Popescu (member of the AgeWell project), UTCN Budget: 181986.60 Euro, Financing Line: Interreg Danube Trannational Program.

Project site:

2. H2020 EDREAM - Enabling New Demand REsponse Advanced, Market-oriented and Secure Technologies, Solutions and Business Models (Ian 2018- Dec 2020). Project ID: 774478. Financing scheme: H2020-EU.3.3.4. - A single, smart European electricity grid. Link: Team: Co-ordinator ENGINEERING - INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA (Italy). Total Project Budget: 3822125. Role: UTCN: Member. UTCN budget: 390,000 euros. AgeWell member involved in EDREAM: Bogdan Gherman.

3. PCCDI project titled "High accuracy innovative approach to intraoperative hepatic tumor treatment based on imaging-molecular diagnosis", Acronym - IMPROVE, Code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0221

4. International project coordinated by IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry, Budapest, Hungary, Name: Danube Chance 2.0 - Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region, Acronym: Danube Chance 2.0, Cod : DTP2-012-1.2, Program: Interreg Danube Transnational Program, 2nd call, Leader: IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry, Budapest, Hungary UTCN Budget: 145600 euro, UTCN Manager: Mihai Dragomir Daniela Popescu - project team member

5. National project: Entrepreneurial competences and research excellence in doctoral and postdoctoral studies programs, Acronim ANTREDOC, POCU / 380/6/13 / OS composite operation. 6.13 Support for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, Project submission code 123927, scientific director: Prof. Doina Pîslă, Value: 6,975,000 RON, Euro equivalent to a course of 4.74 RON = 1 EURO (BNR exchange rate on 27.02.2019) of EUR 1,471,519

6. National project: Innovative robotic treatment instrument for abdominal surgical procedures, Acronym FOCUS, Project Submission Code 60, contract no. 3216 / 06.02.2019, director S.l. Bogdan Gherman, Value: 46,000 lei, equivalent Euro at a rate of 4.74 RON = 1 EURO (BNR exchange rate on 27.02.2019) of 9704.64 EURO

7. An innovative robotic system for upper limb rehabilitation – InnoHealth, RIS Innovation Call 2019, Manager: Doina Pisla, Coordinator: TUCN, Budget 75.000 Euro.

8. Shape Memory Alloy Actuators, Calll: Subprogram 1.1 – Human Resources - Young Researcher Scholarship - competition 2016, PN-III-P1-1.1-BT-2016-0008, coordinator Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca, director Cosovanu Daniel, 36 months, budget 18.300 Euro (91.489 lei), mentor: Prof. dr.-ing. Dan Mândru

9. Innovative robotic system for cancer treatment, Acronym: HEAL4LIV, Call: EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2020, contract 10338/27.04.2020, director conf. dr.-ing. Bogdan Gherman, Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Director: Conf. dr. ing.Gherman Bogdan, Budget: 75 000 Euro (9 months).

10. Leading Scientist, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, No. 0625-2020-0017, Director: Prof. dr.-ing. Giuseppe Carbone, budget (2020): 176.000 euro (5 years).

11. Robotic Assisted Protection Booth for Collecting Biological Samples with Airborne Pathogens, Acronym: SAFE, Call: UEFISCDI - Transfer to the economic operator (PTE), Project submission code : PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-0160, Coordinator: Electronic April Aparatura Electronica Speciala SRL, Role UTCN: Partner, Head of UTCN: Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Pisla, Budget: RON 1,189,000 (Project) / 370,000 RON UTCN


International patents

1. "Spherical robot for the rehabilitative recovery of the shoulder", no. 102018000006216 from 12.06.2018

2. "Portable wired device for rehabilitative use" nr. 102018000006386 from 15.06.2018.


Approved patents 

1. Spherical robot for medical recovery of the proximal area in the upper limb, Vaida, C., Plitea, N., Pisla, D., Gherman,B., Ulinici, I., Pisla, A., Carbone, G., Patent number OSIM: RO132233/30.03.2020

2. Parallel robotic system for upper limb medical recovery, Gherman Bogdan George, Pîslă Doina Liana, Plitea Nicolae, Vaida Liviu Călin, Carbone Giuseppe, Pîslă Adrian, Banică Alexandru Vlad, Patent number OSIM: RO132234/30.03.2020

3. Innovative parallel robot for medical rehabilitation of the lower limb, Pisla, D., Birlescu, I., Vaida, C., Gherman, B., Tucan P., Plitea, N., Patent number OSIM:RO- RO-133814/29.10.2021

4. Parallel robot for mobility rehabilitation of the lower limb, Pisla, D., Gherman, B., Nadas, I., Pop, N., Craciun, F., Tucan, P., Vaida, C., Carbone, G, Birlescu, I., Plitea, N., Patent number OSIM :RO133815/29.10.2021


National patents

1. „Spherical Robot for Medical Recovery of the Proximal Area at the Upper Limb Level", with the registration number OSIM A00374 / 14.06.2017. Authors: Vaida Călin, Plitea Nicolae, Doina Pîslă, Carbone Giuseppe, Gherman Bogdan, Ulinici Ionut.

2. "Family of robots for the medical recovery of the upper limb", with registration number OSIM A00375 / 14.16.2017. Authors: Gherman Bogdan, Doina Pîslă, Plitea Nicolae, Vaida Calin, Carbone Giuseppe, Adrian Pîslă, Banica Alexandru.

3. "Innovative Cable System for Upper Limb Rehabilitation" A / 00558 / 31.07.2018

4. "Portable Cable Rehabilitation Device" A / 00559 / 31.07.2018

5. Innovative parallel robot for medical rehabilitation of the lower limb, Authors: Pisla Doina, Gherman Bogdan, Nadas Iuliu, Pop Nicoleta, Crăciun Florin, Tucan Paul, Vaida Călin, Carbone Giuseppe, OSIM registration number: A00391/27.06.2019.

6. Parallel robot for mobility rehabilitation of the lower limb, Authors:  Pislă Doina, Birlescu Iosif, Vaida Călin, Gherman Bogdan, Tucan Paul, Plitea Nicolae, OSIM registration number: A00334/04.06.2019


Award-winning patents

The AgeWell team has participated, with patents for invention, in two high profile events where several awards were won:

1. The International Research, Innovation and Invention Salon "PRO INVENT" (21-23 March 2018), Polivalent Hall, Cluj-Napoca, with the following two patents filed with the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks-OSIM, awarded with Gold Medals:

            a. Patent Title: "Spherical Robot for Medical Recovery of the Proximal Area at the Upper Limb Level", under the registration number OSIM A00374 / 14.06.2017. Authors: Vaida Călin, Plitea Nicolae, Doina Pîslă, Carbone Giuseppe, Gherman Bogdan, Ulinici Ionut.

          b. Patent Title: "Family of Robots for Medical Recovery of the Upper Limb", under the registration number OSIM A00375 / 14.16.2017. Authors: Gherman Bogdan, Doina Pîslă, Plitea Nicolae, Vaida Calin, Carbone Giuseppe, Adrian Pîslă, Banica Alexandru. In the salon the two inventions were awarded with Gold Medals,

2. International Exhibition INVENTICA 2018 XXII-th International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfern, 27-29 June 2018, Iasi, Romania, where two Gold Medal Diplomas were received for the two AgeWell patents;

3. The International Inventions and Creative Education Fair for Youth, 2nd Edition, June 2018, where a Golden Medal and Bronze Medal have been received for the AgeWell patents.

4. The grand prize of the Romanian Inventors Forum for “Innovative cable system for upper limb rehabilitation”, Carbone, G., Pisla, D., Vaida, C., Tucan, P., Nadas, I.

5. The Technical University of Cluj Napoca prize, for “Innovative cable system for upper limb rehabilitation”, Carbone, G., Pisla, D., Vaida, C., Tucan, P., Nadas, I.

6. Gold Medal and Diploma of Excellence for “Innovative cable sistem for upper limb rehabilitation”, Carbone, G., Pisla, D., Vaida, C., Tucan, P., Nadas, I.

7. Gold Medal and Diploma of Excellence for “Portable cable sistem for rehabilitation” Cafolla D., Chaparro-Rico M., Russo M., Carbone G.,  Pisla D., Viada C., Nadas I.

8. Prof. Doina Pisla was awarded The Excellence Award for Environmental Protection from the National Institute for Environmental Protection Research and Development (INCDPM).

9. EuroInvent 2019 – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, 16-18 Mai 2019, Iaşi, Diploma of Excellence for „Portable wire driven rehabilitation device”, autors: D. Caffola, M. Chaparro-Rico, Mateo, R., Carbone, G., Pisla, D., Viada, C., Nadas I.

10. Diploma and Gold Medal for „Inovative cable system for motion rehabilitation of upper limbs”, Carbone, G., Pisla, D., Vaida, C., Tucan, P., Nadas, I.

11. Mrs. Prof. Doina Pisla obtained the Diploma of Excellence with the gold medal for her work in inventiveness at EIS Infoninvent Chisinau, Republic of Moldavia, November 20-23, 2019.

12. INVENTICA 2019 - Diploma of excellence for the invention "Innovative Cable System for Motion Rehabilitation of Upper Limbs", Carbone, G., Pislă, D., Vaida, C., Tucan P. and Nadaș, I.

13. INVENTICA 2019 - Diploma of excellence for the invention "Portable wire driven rehabilitaion device", Cafolla D., Chaparo-Rico, BDM, Russo M., Carbone G., Pisla D., Vaida C., and Nadaș I.

14. IPITEx 2019, ”Special honour of invention for outstanding exhibition”, for ” Spherical robot for the medical rehabilitation of the proximal area of the shoulder”, Bangkok International IP, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, IPITEx 2019, Bangkok, Tailanda, Pisla. D.

15. IPITEx 2019, Certificate of appreciation” Spherical robot for the medical rehabilitation of the proximal area of the shoulder”, Bangkok International IP, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, IPITEx 2019, Bangkok, Tailanda, Pisla. D.

16. IPITEx 2019, ” Gold  Medal”, for ” Spherical robot for the medical rehabilitation of the proximal area of the shoulder”, Bangkok International IP, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, IPITEx 2019, Bangkok, Tailanda, C. Vaida, N. Plitea, D. Pisla, G. Carbone,B. Gherman, I. Ulinici, A. Pisla.

17. IPITEx 2019, ” WIIPA Special Award”, for ” Spherical robot for the medical rehabilitation of the proximal area of the shoulder”, Bangkok International IP, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition, IPITEx 2019, Bangkok, Tailanda, Pisla. D.


Award-winning works

1. "The Gold Best Research Paper” award for the scientific work titled "Design Issues for an Inherently Safe Robotic Rehabilitation Device". Authors: Carbone Giuseppe, Bogdan Gherman, Ionut Ulinici, Calin Vaida, Doina Pîslă, presented at the international conference "The 26th International Conference on Robotics in the Alpe-Adria-Danube Region", RAAD 2017 held in Turin, June 23, 2017.

2. At the 15th IFToMM World Congress of 2019, the work elaborated by the implementation team: A kinematic model and dynamic simulation of a parallel robotic structure for lower limb rehabilitation, P. Tucan, C. Vaida, G. Carbone , A. Pisla, F. Puskas, B. Gherman and D. Pisla, was nominated as a Finalist: Best Paper Award in the Robotics and Mechatronics section.

3. The 21st edition of EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation 2020 ONLINE took place between May 21-23, 2020, in Iași, Romania, where Pîslă Doina, Bîrlescu Iosif, Vaida Călin, Gherman Bogdan, Tucan Paul, Carbone Giuseppe, Plitea Nicolae au obținut Medalia de AUR pentru invenția ”Parallel robot for the recovery of lower limb mobility”.

4. The 21st edition of EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation 2020 ONLINE took place between May 21-23, 2020, in Iași, Romania, where Pîslă Doina, Gherman Bogdan, Nadas Iuliu, Pop Nicloleta, Crăciun Florin, Tucan Paul, Vaida Calin and Giuseppe Carbone won the GOLD Medal for the invention "Innovative parallel robot for lower limb rehabilitation".

5. The 21st edition of EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation 2020 ONLINE took place between 21-23 May 2020, in Iași, Romania, where Giuseppe Carbone, Elio Matteo Curcio, Diego Mazzei and Doina Pislă won the Medal of SILVER for the invention "Portable device for the rehabilitation of the upper limbs".



Parex elbow


Parex wrist






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